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Friends of Edenham Regional House 

Keeping you in touch with all that happens at the ERH retreat house throughout the year...

We will keep you in touch with the community of Friends and invite you to:


  • Annual Friends Evening with a short service, AGM and supper in June each year.

  • Monthly quiet day on the 1st Friday of every month with Fr. Andy

  • Creative art and craft days on the 4th Friday of every month

  • Music concerts and social events

  • Annual key note speaker event

  • Twice-yearly newsletter with programme of events


The generosity of the Friends enables the house to constantly refurbish and upgrade the facilities and host events.

The Friends support the house by:

Prayers – praying for all those involved in the ministry of the house. The Vicarage is the family home of Andrew and Sian Hawes, their children and grandchildren.  We are very fortunate to have this unique combination of prayer, community and family.  If you would like to become involved in praying for God’s will and direction in all that happens at the house, please contact The Rev’d Canon Andrew Hawes click here.

Volunteering – at various stages of our lives we have different amounts of time and talents that we are able to give in the service of others.  If you would like to help the house, we need volunteers in the following areas:



  • Creative Days on the 4th Friday each month.  The house is a place for recreation and renewal. The beauty of the place set in a pastoral landscape with the majesty of the parish church lends itself to an opportunity to heal, recreate and renew ourselves with God. Friends volunteer to share their talents with each other. If you have a skill with art, music, poetry, flowers, cooking, painting, gardening, etc., we would love to hear from you.


  • Book Stall – the house sells books, cards and small gifts in aid of the house.  If you make suitable gifts, or would like to help in any way, let us know.



  • Fund Raising – the house is a Charitable Trust and funded solely by donation. The Trustees of the House delegate day to day running of the House to the Management Committee which is a representative body.  One purpose of the Friends is to help raise money to provide extras such as new chairs, books, cutlery, the summer house, etc. things to make it more enjoyable and comfortable for the people who use the house.  The Friends try to raise £2,000 each year to help the house.

Donations – Friends offer to pay a subscription of £3 per month (£36 per year) approximately more or less depending on what you can afford.  Some give money and others give in ‘time and talents’, not money. You can be a Friend without giving money!  Cheques/cash can be given to the Treasurer of the House. A bankers’ order form for this is available at the House. Please see Fr. Andy.

Gift Aid – If you pay income tax, you may wish to Gift Aid your donations.  The scheme enables the House to claim back 28p for every £ received.  A simple form to enable this is available from the House.

© Edenham Regional House 2016






Edenham Regional House Trust Charity No: 1058116

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